Thursday, September 15, 2011

Why Women Do Breast Augmentation?

Why Women Do "Breast Augmentation Before and After"?
Women can go insecure because of their frontal “assets”. The pairs mirror a feminine aspect in them that makes them attractive. And because of that, the need to look good also means the need to improve the busts. That’s where breast augmentation comes in.

Women face the risks of undergoing such procedures because they have a way of taking care of their emotional and mental problems. There are other more reasons that a lot of people won’t and can’t understand why women are willing to do the procedures. Here are only a few of those reasons for breast augmentation before and after.

1.   Flat chest
Many women with “flat chests” are ridiculed. A lot of these women feels degraded and thinks that having breast augmentation before and after will make them more feminine. It could even lessen the teasing among her peers. It’s an altering procedure that will make the bust larger, full and, as they hope, feminine.

2.   Post Baby Birth
Pregnancy and childbirth are two very happy moments for a woman. The joy of giving life and sharing the world with their offspring seemed endless. But the joy of giving milk could also affect a woman’s physique. Her chest becomes smaller, sagging or droopy. With breast augmentation before and after, the usual round shape and full features of the breasts could go back.

3.   Aging
Naturally, as she ages, her chest starts to change. A once full and noticeable bosom changes with the aging process. They began to sag and wrinkle. The solution? A lift or to regain its fullness – breast augmentation before and after.

4.   Naked and clothed solution
It’s the truth. Breasts can show a statement with or without the clothes on. Women who undergo the procedures think that with such nice breasts, they can wear their turtle neck or blouses that they want. They can model for a fashion magazine with such rounds, without digital editing needed. They can model before a camera or tan under the sand half-naked because they look great.

Generally, the common points in these reasons do not lie on the “looking good” aspect only. Women do breast augmentation to boost their self-esteem. If they look good, they feel good about themselves. And if they feel good about themselves, they can do more fulfilling acts in their lives. They’ll stop hearing the ridicules and the jokes. They’ll live the life they want to live. And they’ll remember that somehow, they have successfully improved themselves by stopping to be someone called “flat”.

Breast augmentation before and after

Breast Surgery Recovery
Recovery after breast augmentation before and after is still a critical stage. You may also sacrifice your work for a while you’re at this stage, which may take a week or so. The time is dependent on the type of implant and the procedure used on you. Discuss this with your plastic surgeon.
Breast augmentation before and after
What to expect after breast surgery?
·         Scars. The incision scars, unfortunately, are permanent. But the scars won’t be ugly that long. The scar will start red and thick but will eventually become light and thin. You can improve the skin on the incision area by applying Vitamin A and E creams. Vitamin E capsules are better. Ask your surgeons for good scar lightening solutions.
·         Hard breast implants. That’s an initial effect. They will soften in a matter of time.
·         Squeaking and gurgling breasts. The implants have probably not settled yet. Or they may result from build-up of fluids in the pockets. Don’t panic, though. They’ll disappear after some weeks.
·         Bruising. Again, an initial effect. Over time, the bruising will fade. But if the discoloration remains after months, consult your surgeon.
To lessen recovery time and the pain involved, make sure you chose your plastic surgeon carefully. If you have no personal references, ask around. Research on renowned surgeons and try to make an appointment to discuss the procedure breast augmentation before and after. If it means going to another state, make that sacrifice. It may benefit you rather than having a local inexperienced surgeon do the procedure. Quality and safety should prevail over the price, so if you don’t have much money to afford a safe procedure, delay your plans of breast augmentation.

After you’re sure and comfortable with your plastic surgeon, you also need to prepare yourself and your surroundings before you go on to your scheduled surgery. As stated before, recovery may take a week or more. You won’t be allowed to move much after the procedure so taking trips to the supermarket or doing the cleaning are restricted or not allowed. Buy groceries or assign a house mate to do it. Clean the house, prepare our clothes, water your plants and do pretty much any chores that need to be taken care of after your surgery. Buy recommended bras and shirts you can wear during your recovery period. Find those that can help with the settling. Remember not to buy underwire bra. An ice pack over the breasts for two days following breast augmentation before and after surgery is also common recovery advices. Have a pack or two on hand ready.  Ask your surgeon what actions are allowed, limited or not allowed. 

Breast Augmentation Options

Breast Augmentation before and after options
There’s nothing wrong with breast augmentation before and after for women who have troubles, emotional and physical, because of their chest states. However, it’s a choice that needs careful thinking. Many are already happy with the temporary solutions such as paddings, gels and push-up bras. But those who wanted more than the short-term aids would hope for something long-term. In a sense, permanent.
breast augmentation before and after

There are already a lot of options for women who desires permanence or breast augmentation. Women will find themselves asking, which type to choose? Which shape looks better? Which texture feels better? These questions can easily be answered through a thorough research and inquiries. Inquiries should be done with surgeons, who are responsible for dictating the options to the women patients.
Silicone vs Saline vs Gel
Silicone breast implants are FDA-approved and safe. They are filled first before they are implanted. Same goes with the silicone gel. Both produce a natural look and feel, but the silicone gel seems to be more favored because of its better durability. These two implants are more expensive than the saline implants. Saline implants use a simple salt solution and is implanted first before it is filled. Saline implants are a lot safer but do not address the “natural look” many women wish.
breast augmentation before and after

Teardrop vs Round
Round implants are the most common with four projection types, ranging from low to high. This type can achieve the round and full state of breasts. Teardrop, on the other hand, is believed to look more natural. It fills the bottom more, making it similar to the shape of real breasts. This costs more than the round type but is also often criticized for becoming distorted or rotated for a period of time.

Smooth vs Textured
Smooth implants tend to freely move in the area they are implanted. They have thin shells and are durable, giving the softer feel. Textured implants were designed to avoid capsular contracture, a complication from breast implants. They are likened to a surface of a sand paper and have distinct features different from the smooth version. But they have risks of leaking and rippling. But unlike the smooth implants, they don’t displace that much. Between the two, smooth implants last longer and are less expensive.

Sizes are dependent on the body type, height, frame and weight. Tests may also be done to determine breast augmentation before and after compatibility of implants. But in most cases, patients are given the options of what size they prefer. Soon, both parties will discuss about the procedure. Surgeons will need to arrange options that will please and make the patients comfortable.